Monday, December 25, 2023

TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ....Merry Christmas from the Hedgie


'Twas the Night Before Christmas , and Hedgie had a frown...

 The Broncos had faltered and let Hedgie down

But Goodell and the League left Three games to be played

So the Hedgie worked late so his next picks would be paid

The followers were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of "teasers' danced in their heads

The Books in Las Vegas had settled the lines

Chiefs, Eagles and Niners all favorites too high 

While Reid had his 'kerchief' , Sirani his Cap

Kyle Shanny, The favorites, settled in for their long winter naps

When out on the fields there arose such a clatter 

They dropped their clipboards to see what was the matter

The RAIDERS from last Thursday had 10 days rest 

Jacobs and Crosby were up for the test 

In Philly the Eags faced a Divisional Foe

Barkely , Devito and Waller had something to show 

Not many watched as the early dogs covered

But the late game was Primetime and The ravens would get smothered

But what to their wondering eyes should appear

Lamar and his posse would show with no fear 

 to recap the Favorites were giving simply too many 

Vegas knew that but the amateur public bettors are plenty

So with a wink of his eye and a turn of head head

The Hedgie put his cash on the 'Dogs with no dread

Alas the Broncos awoke with stockings full of coal and ash 

As the Raiders, Giants, and Ravens filled the Hedgie's pockets with CASH ! 

RAIDERS +11   2 Stars 

GIANTS +14  2 Stars

RAVENS +6  2 Stars

3 TEAM  6.5 Point Stocking Stuffer Teaser :    100 pays 135   1 Star

Raiders +17.5 / Giants +20.5 / Ravens +12.5