Sunday, November 10, 2019


Bills +3  3 stars - Bills are 3-0 on the road vs spread.  Baker cooks up more turnovers than Tds  (12 vs 6)    Bills win outright

Bucs/Cards OVER 52  4 stars -  Bucs are . 6-2 . OVER this yr .  Arians 'the QB whisperer' has .Winston playing well.  Cards offense playing better as season unfolds

Packers/Panthers OVER 48  1 star - bounce back for Rogers & Co at home...Panthers on a 4-0 over streak. Hedgie loves Norv Turner as O-coordinator coaching up Kyle Allen ...has Cam seen his last game in a Panthers uni ? Kyle Allen playing well.....Hedgie thinks so

Bengals +10.5  2 stars -  teams this year AFTER THE PATS are  1-8  vs the spread.   Ravens will be hard pressed to bring their A game for the listless Bengals.  Bengals get a new starting QB  which usually translates to a boost of energy.  

Teaser:  Chiefs pickem  & OVER 42 1 star

stay tuned for later play....leaning vikes and under on the night game....waiting for better prices.
leaning Colts and under teaser.....interesting . that money is in on the rams today...keeping an eye there and will have a play..road favorite off a bye are 69% vs spread...but hedgie doesn't love rams Oline..heavy action on this late game . so stay tuned for a teaser.....

Btw,  Hedgie knows he needs to step it up...if today doesn't right the ship perhaps Hedgie needs a bye week....